Sunday, July 05, 2009

All Dressed Up and Nowhere To Go

Is nowhere one word? I'm blanking.

Anyhow, there's more about "All dressed up and nowhere to go" on Richard's blog.

Rather than type exactly what he typed, I'll just do the thank yous for today.

Thank you to:

Steve - For coming by with a gift card for Richard and a nice card for the family.
Jen T. - For enabling AJ to keep up with his swimming lessons by taking him many times.
My mom - For helping (along with Ken and Kim) to get the lawn mower started and mowing more than half the lawn so I could finish it off. Feels so good.
Norma - For watching Dexter today, taking him for walks, and helping to get him on one nap, so I could spend the day with Richard.
Dad - For watching AJ today, taking him for a bike ride, and taking him to the water park, and probably playing a great deal of "Rescue Heroes", so I could spend the day with Richard.
Richard - For not minding having his ear talked off and sitting in the hot car while I 'popped into' Old Navy (and the Mexx Kids store) since he isn't allowed in the mall.
Jenn C. - For fresh cherries!!

Thanks everyone.

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