Sunday, November 14, 2010

AJ's Skateboarding Lesson - Nothing About Richard, Sorry

We skipped out on our visit with Daddy today due to AJ's VERY stuffed up nose.

AJ's skateboarding lesson was today. I wanted to get him a one-time lesson to get him started. He so badly wants to skateboard when we're at the skatepark (right now he just scooters and bikes).

The lesson was great. It was 1.5 hours of him and a 13 year old getting a lesson together. The guy let Dex have a board and pads to play around with on the side while the lesson was going on.

Here's Dex having fun while the lesson is going on.

Here's AJ learning what to do.

Here he is learning to crouch.

Trying out going a little faster.



Learning to stand sideways.

AJ switched back and forth from right foot forward to left foot forward. I think he's a right-foot forward kind of guy like his mommy. At least, that's how he rides his scooter.

Lining up his board like the instructor showed him.

Practicing standing sideways while he rides.

Grabbing the board so he can ride up the ramp with a low centre of gravity.

Practicing some more knee slides.

More Dex.

More riding.

More crouching.

AJ getting frustrated that his board keeps veering into the bench, and the coach 'coaching'.

Here's AJ doing some practicing during his free-time for a half hour after the lesson ended.

Looking more and more comfortable.

Trying turning.

Taking a drink break.

Dad keeping Dex busy by kicking Dexter into the wall and then Dex would push off the wall with his feet and come back to him for more.

BIG THANKS to Grannie for treating AJ to the lesson and BIG THANKS to Grand-Dan for driving us there from his place and treating us to lunch at McD's and tolerating the LOUDEST, MOST INSANE playplace I've ever witnessed in my entire life.

AJ and Dex napped most of the drive home.

I then dropped them off at Jen's (thank you, Jen), so I could go to the store uninterrupted.

I headed back to Jen's and picked up the boys and brought Makenna back for a sleepover. I'll be watching Jen's three tomorrow.

Asking for Some Good Thoughts or Prayers for Some Friends....

Send out some good vibes and/or prayers for Jen's daycare lady, Misty, who went into labour 15 weeks early (at 25 weeks) and delivered (after much ordeal, including them sending her home about three times denying she was in labour and eventually ending up giving her an emergency c-section after the cord prolapsed) a 2 lb 2 oz baby boy.

Please have baby-Nathaniel and his family in your thoughts. He looks like a strong little fighter!!!

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