Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Rest of Those Pictures I Was Telling You About


Richard is still supposed to be going for bloodwork tomorrow, followed by being admitted to the hospital for the rest of the month, at least. The rest of this post is just the rest of the pics I meant to post yesterday.

Feel free to skip the next part unless you are a grandparent or auntie.

A Park Near My House, Kind Of

I have been trying to take up jogging with the help of some new jogging friends. My big adventure on this VERY hot day was to jog the boys in the bike trailer/stroller to this playground that we barely ever visit.

It's always exciting to be at a different playground than usual.

My little climber.

Did I mention that he can climb poles? Long gone are the days of being wowed by watching AJ scale down the fireman poles. Now, Dexter's just about able to do them on his own, and AJ has changed over to climbing up them!

They are all about climbing. When AJ was young, I tried to enforce the slides-are-not-for-climbing rule, but it's hard to stay strong when two seconds after saying it, a bunch of 8 year olds run up the slide. Instead our rule is you-can-climb-the-slide-if-no-one-is-at-the-top-waiting-for-a-turn.

The perfect swing. A big kid swing and a baby swing. Although Dex can ride on big kid swings just fine, he surely enjoys the much more dangerous pushes he receives in a baby swing.

Laine's Birthday Party at the Water Park

One of AJ's preschool friends, Laine, had a birthday party that ran right through Dexter's naptime, so I got to take AJ to the party all alone. He was free to roam with the other kids.

It was a little hard to sit back so many yards away with the other parents. I'm stranger paranoid, so I kept a close eye, but from afar.

Found him!

AJ and some pals.

AJ and his friend Daylen with Daylen's cousin and Daylen's sister.

One of Many Days in Jen's Backyard

Starting with Dexter and going clockwise, it's Dexter, Emerson, Jaxon, Madisyn, Rya, Makenna, AJ, Josiah, and Jack. Summer buddies!

Then it Was a Special Trip at Night, to the Waterslides!

It's cheaper to go to the waterslides at night and with a 2 for 1 coupon for Richard and I, we couldn't pass up the chance to go to Splashdown Park. I remember taking my brother and sister when they were young and enjoying the toddler area because I could stay and watch from the side and they could do the slides all by themselves.

We arrived about 4:40pm, did some sliding while the toddler slides still had sun on them, then ate some picnic dinner that we packed!

Once AJ was comfortable, he was bombing down the slides all by himself with no one catching him.

Dexter was forced down a slide once or twice, screaming his fool head off. I don't get it. He loves water. He loves pools. He loves slides. What the heck?

He looks happy, but that's only because he's not on a slide at this time. Thank goodness they had a swimming pool at the other end too.

Happy slider!

Here's a view of most of the toddler area.

Dexter running laps around our picnic spot.

mmmmm, lunch! I mean.. dinner.

More slides!

Here comes AJ!

Richard supervising Dexter the non-slider.

Here he is again!

After the waterslides, we met my dad (who lives close by the waterslides) at McDonalds for ice cream.

Here AJ and Dexter are showing off their disgustingly dirty feet, even though you are supposed to wear socks.

My phone doesn't take great pictures indoors.
Grand-Dan and the boys. I find it interesting that Dexter was often calling Grand-Dan, "Grandpa". He must realize that Grand-Dan is a grandpa. He calls his other two grandpas, "Papa", so it surprised me.

Eagle Mountain

As usual, AJ wanted a 'brother pic' on a rock. I swear, I do not ask them to pose for these. He loves rock pictures.

Picnic lunch.

Every time I look at this picture, I just about pee my pants. Dexter wanted to be a ghost-monster. He must've done about 3 laps around the playground. I was so worried he was going to fall.

A mom and her kids were flying kites. Dexter took off to join them. I guess kites were more fun than a picnic. She even let him hold the kite string! Can you spot him with the yellow t-shirt?

The Zoo, Again

We met my other friend Jenn (jogging-Jenn we'll call her) and her friend Sara at the zoo. AJ got to ride his bike around again.

I swear the donkey is their favourite animal. Maybe because they get to pat him.

Giraffe feeding time!

Yes, Another Day at Jen's

I think Dexter was on naughty spot here and the other two came to join him. Obviously, he looks distraught.

Emerson and Dex were having a chat over their big scabs on their knees while Emerson was using the potty! Sorry Emerson. Hope you don't peruse this blog, mortified, when you are 15 years old.

The Discovery Trail

The Discovery Trail is being paved to run beside our house to the path where I take the boys to ride their bikes. We had just come back from that bike ride, when I noticed that Daddy's shirt matched AJ's shorts.

And my shirt, matched Dexter's shorts. So weird.

Construction Buddies

Fixing my stairs.

Mill Lake with Grand-Dan

While I played at the playground with Dexter....

Grand-Dan and AJ rode their bikes around Mill Lake.

And stayed for dinner... mmm... Butter Chicken!

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