Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Catching Up Part #4

May 1st, 2006
"Grannie's House and Easter Dinner"

I forgot to mention that on the Easter weekend, we went to Grannie's house in Duncan. Daddy's family got to meet you. There was a nice girls' luncheon/shower.
You were perfect on the ferry, just looking around at everyone. Everything just clicked. Your eating time, your sleeping, everything. You were just under 6 weeks old.
We had you batting at your play arc for the first time.
We had Easter dinner at Grandma's house and you got to see so much of her/my family. You were such a good boy, like always.

May 3rd, 2006
"Laughing, Push-Ups, Gripping"

So, over the past few days, you've been laughing (especially when hitting and kicking at your play arc). You've been doing mini-pushups during Tummy-Time, and you've been holding onto toys when I wrap your fingers around them.
For weeks now, you've been cooing, gurgling, and making lots of noises.

May 8th, 2006
"Shots, Yikes!!"

You had your two month shots today. I cried and you screamed and cried. You received four shots! Next time, I'm getting Daddy to take you. That was horrible!

May 10th, 2006
"Signing, for Real This Time, Well, Almost. Rolling and Grasping"

Today, you were imitating me doing the sign for 'dirty' on the change table. I can't wait until you use it to actually tell me to change you!
You've been rolling onto your side, and you've been learning to grasp things as I wrap your hands around them.

May 14th, 2006
"A New Girlfriend for AJ?"

Makenna was born yesterday. Now you have your buddy, Jack to see, and your girl-buddy, Makenna.

May 31st, 2006
"Doing Lots and Lots"

You've been doing so much since your shots. You've been holding your vibrating fish while I pull it for at least a couple of weeks.
On the 14th, at Grandma's, I showed everyone how we do "jump-a-woo". I pull you up by your hands to standing and lift you.
Now you can grab a toy on your own (for about the past week). You can reach for me now, but not consistently.
You've been on EASY for about seven to nine weeks. You laugh about loud when I tickle you.
The books we've been reading are
I Love You Forever
A Child's Goodnight Book
Bunny My Hunny
Goodnight Little Duckling
Goodnight Moon
Dr. Suess's Sleep Book
The Very Hungry Caterpillar (your favourite, hands down)
Your two colour books
Baby MacDonald on the Farm
I Love You My Duckling
So Many Bunnies

We read others too, but not every day.

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