Saturday, November 01, 2008

My Dragons

Two Little Dragons Sitting On The Stairs.
I still need to catch up, but people are asking for pics from Hallowe'en, so here are my dragons. Sorry the Jack O Lanterns are only sub par. AJ didn't want to partake, despite my effort at being 'excited' about carving the pumpkins. Since he didn't want to help, I just cut, scooped, scribbled, cut, done!

Here are Daddy and AJ heading to the first few houses.

Here's AJ remembering the whole I-say-trick-or-treat-and-they-give-candy idea.

Here's Dexy already looking tired. Time for bedtime bottle and sleepy time.

I forgot to turn this around first, sorry. Here's Dexy a little later. He was crashed!

Here's AJ sneaking some candy along the way.

Here's AJ waiting in the car while I packed up the stroller and Daddy took Dexter inside for bed. He's showing off his stash!!

And that was our lovely Hallowe'en!


Steph said...

The 2 cutest dragons ever! love them! And does Dex has the same orange "dig it" shirt as AJ? Both C & T do!!

AJ and Dexter's Mom said...

yes, Dex has it too, and the pup tent park one too!