Saturday, November 15, 2008

More AJ Quips and Quotables and Santa Pics

While wiping the crumbs off of AJ's pants after dinner...

"I'm a crummy guy!"

At White Spot when Grand-Dan snuck up behind AJ and tickled him...

"Has to be Grand-Dan!"

We had our Santa Pics today!!! Too cute!!!


Lee Ann said...

What fab pics! Sonja - you look beautiful! I love seeing you in pics. I especially love the one where the boys are looking at Snat, such wonderment in their face, so beautiful xxxx

Lee Ann said...

aaaah that was meant to say santa!! sorry there is a spelling error on you page sonja LOL see if you can modifiy it!!! xx

Mockabee Seven said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the outfits from head to toe... suck slick kids. PS--you're really pretty and that color looks great on you.

AJ and Dexter's Mom said...

Okay, for those of you non-birthclubbers reading this, there's a reason my friends are being so nice about the pic with me in it. I originally didn't put that pic on the blog, but put it on afterwards, for them to see Richard and I.


Thanks ladies.

Steph said...

Oh my goodness - these are great pics! Love the boys - they did so well, and I agree with Jodi the outfits are adorable!!! And I agree with Lee Ann, love where the are looking at Santa! And you DO look fab!

Anonymous said...

Well, I wouldn't say he's overdressed... he's always dressed for a party (if one should happen to pop up). I always think of you when I go to Walmart and think about "popping in" for a photo at the studio. Then I look at my kids. Then I think "If I were Sonja, I could because they would be dressed up and matching."
Auntie E (too lazy to sign in)

AJ and Dexter's Mom said...

if one should happen to pop up. Yes.
I'm off to playgroup today and I've made a conscious effort to dress my boys 'down' today.